Car Insurance Tips

Is finding the right insurance slowing you down?! My tips and tricks will get you up to speed in no time.

Four Helpful Tips for Selecting Medicare Supplemental Health Insurance

Let’s talk health insurance. We are fortunate to live in a country that has some of the best medical facilities and treatments in the world. Unfortunately, a very large portion of Americans do not have access to the medical care Read more…

A Step by Step Guide for Buying Used Cars

Buying a used car can be a fun and exciting process. Buying used allows you to get more value for your dollar, and enjoy driving a car that you probably couldn’t afford new. A used car is still new to Read more…

A Customized Insurance Policy for Your Small Business

Insurance is one of those things that you don’t think about until you need it. And when you do need it, you are grateful that you had the sense and foresight to sign up for a policy that gives you Read more…

Throughout July, U.S. Auto Sales Show Strong Growth

auto shipping

The U.S. auto industry began the second half of 2015 with a stellar start. According to the New York Times, Americans bought more than 1.5 million vehicles in July — a 5.3% growth from a year ago. Additionally, the seasonally-adjusted annual Read more…

Group Health Plans Can Benefit Your Company

A Strategic Counsel survey found that 91% of Canadian citizens prefer their healthcare system over a U.S. style system. However, approximately 50% of all Canadian businesses are concerned about the level of health care coverage for their employees, and often Read more…

Find an Insurance Agent to Help You Find the Right Coverage

Finding an insurance agent you trust is very important in protecting the valuable assets in your life. You need to provide insurance coverage for your home, your car, and your life. As far as finding an insurance agent that can Read more…